CHAP 75.
said Nicholas D. Warfield, to act in conjunction with the
other commissioners named in the act to which this is
supplementary, in laying out and opening the road therein
mentioned, and that the said Zachariah H. Worthington,
shall qualify as commissioner, and alter qualification, shall
have, and may exercise the powers, and discharge the du-
ties of a commissioner, in the manner directed by the said
original act to which this is a supplement.
Passed Feb. 7,1832
An act for the relief of the Heirs and Representatives of
the late Nicholas Snowden.
WHEREAS, the widow and administratrix of the late Nich-
olas Snowden, of Prince George's county, and such of his
heirs at law as are of age, have, by their petition, set forth,
that it will be highly advantageous to their interests, and
the interests of the estate of said Nicholas, deceased, for
the widow and administratrix aforesaid, to be allowed to
apply the annual nett proceeds of the real estate of said
deceased, for five years to come, to the payment of the
debts of said deceased, and they have prayed an act of
assembly, authorising the same: And whereas, it appears to
this General Assembly, that the prayer of the petitioners
is reasonable, and should be granted; — Therefore,
Powers granted.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the administra-
trix of the said Nicholas Snowden, with the consent of her
securities in the administration bond, which assent shall
be in writing, and filed in the orphans court of Prince
George's county, to take and receive all the rents, issues
and profits of the real estate of the said deceased, and to
apply the net proceeds thereof, from time, to the payment
of the debts of said deceased, for a term not exceeding
five years.
Rights reserved.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
tained, shall in any manner interfere with the rights of any
of the creditors of said estate, but any part of said estate
shall be, and remain liable therefor, in the same manner as
if this act had not been passed.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
tained, shall interfere with, or lessen, or impair the respon-
sibility of the securities of the said administratrix, on her
bond as administratrix.