authorised and requested, to appoint three commissioners on
the part of this state, to meet such commissioners as may
be appointed on the part of the commonwealth of Virginia,
to settle and adjust by mutual compact, between the two
governments, the southern and western limits of this state,
and the dividing and boundary lines between this state and
the commonwealth of Virginia, and also to settle and adjust
as aforesaid, any claim of this slate, or of the commonwealth
of Virginia, to territory within the limits of either state.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, In case
of disagreement between the commissioners appointed on
the part of this state, and on the part of the common wealth
of Virginia, the executive of this state, and of the common-
wealth of Virginia, shall request the governor of Delaware,
for the time being, to appoint an umpire, who shall be vest-
ed with full power to settle the several matters in contro-
versy between this state and the common wealth of Virginia,
hereby confided to the aforesaid commissioners.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the compact or agreement when entered into by the afore-
said commissioners, or in case of disagreement and appoint-
ment of an umpire, as hereinbefore provided, the award of
said umpire shall be final and conclusive on this state, and
the faith of this state, is hereby pledged to make such legis-
lative enactments as may be necessary to secure all rights
derived from the state of Virginia, to lands lying within
any part of the territory now in dispute between the two
states, which shall be adjudged to belong to this state; Pro-
vided however, and it is hereby further
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
nothing herein contained shall have any effect unless the le-
gislature of Virginia shall first provide for the appointment
of commissioners on the part of Virginia, to treat with com-
missioners proposed to be appointed on the part of this
state, and for the appointment of an umpire by the Gover-
nor of Delaware in case of disagreement as aforesaid, and
shall also pledge the faith of the said state, that said
compact or agreement, or umpirage, as the case may be,
shall be conclusive on the said state of Virginia; and also
that all rights demanded under this state, to lands lying
within any of the disputed territory which shall be adjudg-
ed to belong to Virginia, shall be respected, ratified and
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
said commissioners and the said umpire, shall, from time to
time, make reports of all proceedings had under and by
virtue of these resolutions, to the executive of this state,
and to that of Virginia.