as our resources should render it practicable, without in-
convenience, so that in future wars we might not be found
destitute of every necessary means of defence, and in pur-
suance of these views, he recommended the establishment
of national works for manufacturing such articles as were
necessary for the defence of the country; And whereas, the
experience of the late war fully demonstrated the wisdom
of that policy which his solicitude for our welfare recom-
mended, and the losses, in the blood and treasure which this
republic suffered have proved the value of his precepts;
And whereas, it belongs to the general government under
the constitution of the union to "provide for the common de-
fence, and to promote the general welfare"—Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a knowledge of the topography of the country, is of essen-
tial importance, as well for the promotion of works of in-
ternal improvement as to give effect to military operations,
and that this knowledge should be gathered by repeated
surveys, and proper maps and charts deposited in our ar-
chives, and as the acquisition of such information (alike
useful in peace and war) can only be made by those who
devoting their talents and energies to the duty, become
skilled in scientific principles and accurate in practical de-
tails, the topographical corps of the United States, should
be fostered and gradually increased
Resolved, That the ordnance department is of peculiar
importance; requiring fidelity and practical skill and scien-
tific knowledge in its administration, its efficient organiza-
tion, is therefore demanded as well to insure the fabrica-
tion and preservation of our arms in sufficient abundance as
to render the ingenuity and science of those to whom these
duties are intrusted, available and beneficial to the country.
Resolved, That the establishment of fortifications through-
out our borders, should be persevered in as essential to the
security of the important out lets of our commerce, and at
the same time to give additional maratime strength to the
Atlantic States.
Resolved, That the establishment of a National Found-
ry for the fabrication of cannon is required as well to pro-
vide for the armament of our fortifications as to furnish pro-
per field trains, to be distributed throughout the different
states, and that by such an establishment not only would ar-
tisans be drawn together, but the true principles of econo-
my be preserved, by the government commanding at all
times, the means of supplying the most important arm of
defence, in quantity and quality, as the emergency may de-