CHAP. 58.
Sec. 2. And, be it enacted, That the said commissioners
be, and they are hereby authorised and required, at their
discretion, to issue proposals for rebuilding the bridge over
Herring Run, on the road leading from Baltimore to Belle-
Air, on what is called the Belle-Air Road, in said county,
and contract with one or more persons for rebuilding said
bridge in a food and substantial manner, on the best possi-
ble terns; taking bond of the said contractor or contractors,
with sufficient security for the due and faithful performance
of the contract.
Passed Feb. 17,1832
An act to divorce Ann H. Drake, of the city of Baltimore,
from her husband Matthew Drake.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Ann H. Drake be, and she is hereby divorced
from bed, board, and mutual cohabitation with her husband,
Matthew Drake.
Fems sole,
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Ann H. Drake be,
tad she is hereby authorised and empowered to make any
contract with any person or persons whatsoever, and to sue
tod be sued in ber own name, and without joining her said
husband in any such suit or suits, and have and exercise all
the rights, privileges, and immunities, and be subject to all
the legal responsibilities of a feme sole, in the same manner
she would have been if she never had been married; Provi-
ded always, That this act shall not be construed to authorise
the said Ann H. Drake, or Matthew Drake, to contract
marriage while the said parties are both living.
Passed Feb. 17, 1832
An act relating to the Jail of Baltimore City and County.
Appointment au-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Governor, by and with the advice and con-
sent of the Council, shall annually appoint and commission
seven discreet and judicious persons, four of whom shall
fee residents of the city of Baltimore, and three of whom
shall be residents of Baltimore county without the limits of
the city, as visitors of the jail of Baltimore city and coun-
ty, and in case of the death, resignation or removal from