The committee to which was referred so much of the ex-
ecutive communication as relates to the demise of his ex-
cellency, the late governor, Daniel Martin, in conjunction
with a like committee on the part of the senate, have had
under consideration the melancholly subject of this refer-
ence, and recommend the adoption of the following pream-
ble and resolution, to wit:
1st. Entertaining an exalted sense of the patriotism and
public services of his excellency, the late governor Daniel
Martin, and disposed to testify by a solemn act, profound
regret, at the dispensation of divine will, which deprived
the state of a highly valuable and esteemed citizen, at a pe-
riod of life when he might reasonably have anticipated a
a long career of usefulness — Therefore,
Resolved unanimously, by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That in respect to the memory of the deceased
governor, the members of this legislature and their officers,
will wear crape on the hat and left arm, for the residue of
the session, that twenty-one minute guns be fired at sunrise,
at mid day, and at sun set, on Thursday next, that the state
flag be displayed at half staff throughout the day, and that
each of the houses will suspend its session for that day.
2d. Further resolved unanimously, That the members of
the executive and judicial departments, at the seat of govern-
ment, and their respective officers, be severally requested
to participate in the testimonials of respect prescribed in
the foregoing resolution, and that the clerks of the senate
and house of delegates be required to communicate this re-
quest to the persons referred to.
3d. Further resolved unanimously, That his excellency,
(he governor, be requested to communicate these proceed-
ings to the widow of his excellency, the late governor,
Daniel Martin, and to express to her the sincere condolence
of the legislature, at the heavy affliction which has fallen
upon her in consequence of her irreparable bereavement.