CHAP. 327.
days after the return of the said commissioners shall be filed
as aforesaid; and should any of the sums assessed as afore-
said, not be paid within that time, the collector shall be, and
Case of non pay-
he is hereby authorised to sell the property or any part
thereof, on which such assessment has been laid, giving not
less than thirty days notice of such intented sale, in two of
said newspapers; and the collector on receiving the purchase
money on such sales, shall execute a deed of conveyance
Proceedings direc-
therefor, in favour of the purchaser or purchasers; which
deed shall convey all the estate and interest of the person or
persons assessed, and neglecting to pay as aforesaid, in, or
to such properly; and after deducting the costs of sale, ad-
vertising and the other necessary costs, the collector shall
pay over the balance of such purchase money to the said
mayor and city council, who shall pay over the said bal-
ance, after denuding the amount assessed on said property
to the person or persons entitled thereto, on demand, with.
out interest.
Oath required.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That each of the said commis-
sioners shall, on or before one month after the approval of
this act, by the mayor and city council of Baltimore, as
hereinafter provided for, take the following oath or affirma-
tion, before some justice of the peace: "I, A. B. do sol-
emnly swear, or affirm, that I will, forthwith, and to the
best of my ability, execute the duties assigned me by the
act entitled, An act to condemn and make public, a certain
piece or lot of ground therein mentioned, without favour or
partiality; and if any of the said commissioners do not, on
Case of failure.
or before the expiration of one month after such approval
by the mayor and city council aforesaid, take such oath or
affirmation, he or they shall be considered as having resign-
ed, and it shall be the duty in such case of such of the said
commissioners herein before mentioned, as may qualify,
forthwith, to appoint one or more persons to supply puch
vacancy or vacancies in the said board.
Compensation to
Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That the said commissioners
shall receive as a compensation for their services, two dol-
lars per day, for every day they may act, which compensa-
tion shall be paid by the said mayor and city council, as
part of the expenses of opening said street, and which shall
be assessed and collected in manner aforesaid.
Payment of dam-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the said mayor and city
council, shall pay, or tender in payment, to the parties en-
titled to receive the same, the damages sustained, or which
shall be sustained by any person or persons by reason of, or
on account of the condemnation of said lot or lots of ground
as the same may be ascertained or as assessed by said com-