fectual as the certificate under seal of the clerk of Balti-
more county court now is, in like cases, and the said com-
missioners shall, notwithstanding the authority hereby gran-
ted them, in respect of such final discharge, report and re-
shall report pro-
ceding to the
turn to Baltimore county court, after such final discharge or
county court.
unfavorable decision as aforesaid, all their proceedings and
the papers in the case of the insolvent debtor, as such pro-
ceedings and papers are now required to be reported and
returned, the said clerk of said commissioners, keeping
Keeping a record.
however, a record of the final discharges granted as afore-
said; Provided, That where the commissioners shall extend
Cue of time
or change the time as aforesaid, for final appearance, and
shall have made report and return as aforesaid, to Baltimore
county court, the said commissioners may thereafter grant
Proceed thereafter
a final discharge as aforesaid, or otherwise proceed to every
effect as if such report and return had not been made, and
Report proceed
shall make a report and return of such further proceedings,
and the papers relating thereto to Baltimore county court;
And provided also, That nothing herein contained shall be
construed to interfere with, or in anywise alter or affect the
provisions of the act, passed at December session, of the
year eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, chapter two hun-
dred and eight, and that where by reason of allegations be-
ing filed against the debtor in due time, before the day of
final appearance, he shall fail to become entitled to a final
discharge, the commissioners shall report and return the
proceedings and papers in the case to Baltimore county
court accordingly.
Act of 1827-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the provisions of the
seventh section of the act, passed at December session, of
the year eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, entitled A fur-
ther additional supplement to the act entitled An act, for
the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, be, and the same is
hereby declared to be extended to the city and county of
Baltimore, any thing in the said act to the contrary thereof
Compensation to
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That for the services perform-
ed by the said commissioners, or by the said clerk of said
commissioners, by virtue of this act, they shall be entitled
to have, and receive such compensation as shall be fixed and
determined by Baltimore county court.
Act of 1830, chap.
135 extended to
Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That the act passed at De-
costs on fines.
cember session, of the year eighteen hundred and thirty,
chapter one hundred and twenty-five, be, and the same is
hereby declared to extend to costs in all cases of fines im-
posed in any criminal proceedings.