hath received a personal discharge, and hath not obtained
CHAP. 316.
a certificate of final discharge, either ia consequence of
withdrawing his application, or by reason of interrogato-
ries filed agamst him, or his not complying with the terms
prescribed by law, or on any other account whatever, every
such applicant shall be allowed to prosecute at any time
thereafter, a second petition for the benefit of said laws,
May again peti-
notwithstanding his having failed to obtain a final discharge
as aforesaid; Provided, The said commissioners be first
Provided there be
satisfied before acting on his second application, that the
no implication of
failure to obtain his final discharge as aforesaid, did not pro-
ceed from unfair and fraudulent purposes; and the said ap-
plicant shall answer on oath, before he obtained his per-
Answer upon oath
sonal discharg on said second application, all the interroga-
tories which may have been filed against him on his previ-
ous application, and at the same time, such other interroga-
tories as may be filed against him on his second application.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the final appearance of
every insolvent debtor, applying after the first day of April
Final appearance
shall be before the
next, to the said commissioners of insolvent debtors for the
benefit of the insolvent laws of Maryland, shall lake place
and be made before the said commissioners, instead of be-
Instead of county
ing before Baltimore county court, at such period as is now
lawful in that behalf, to be assigned for such appearance
before Baltimore county court; and the said commissioners
Powers vested.
shall have the same power and discretion of extending and
changing the time for such final appearance as is now vest-
ed in said court, and under the same limitations, and to the
same effect and operation to every intent and purpose.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That if on such final appear-
ance or the final hearing of such insolvent debtor, before
authorised to grant
final discharge.
said commissioners, it shall appear to said commissioners,
that the debtor has complied with the terms and conditions
of the insolvent laws, and acted fairly and bona fide, it shall
be the duty of the said commissioners to grant him a final
discharge in the same manner and to the same effect, as is
now allowed to Baltimore county court, and it shall be their
duty to decide unfavorably on the case of such debtor, and
to refuse said discharge, if he shall not have complied as
Duty to refuse
such discharge.
aforesaid, or have acted as aforesaid, and said discharge or
unfavorable decision shall be certified by such person as .
Certificate of deci-
said commissioners shall appoint their clerk, who shall have
Seal authorise
and use a seal of office, such as said commissioners shall
direct; and the certificate of said clerk, under said seal of
any acts or proceedings of said commissioners, and of co-
pies of any papers in any case of an insolvent debtor, or
Copy made evi-
in the office of said commissioners, shall be as valid and ef-