Sec. 7. And, be it enacted. That any power of attorney,
CHAP. 306
receipt, acquittance, release, or final discharge, executed or
acknowledged according to the provisions of this aet, may
Such instruments
be recorded in the office of the register of wills of the coun-
shall be recorded
ty in which the guardian was appointed or gave bond, or in
which the executor or administrator obtained letters testa-
mentary, or of administration; and that a copy of any such
power of attorney, receipt, acquittance, release, or final dis-
charge acknowledged and recorded as aforesaid, duly attest-
ed under the seal of the office in which the same is record-
ed, shall, at all times hereafter, be admitted as evidence to
Copy made evi-
prove such power of attorney, receipt, acquittance, release,
or final discharge; but every such power of attorney, re-
ceipt, acquittance, release, or final discharge, shall remain
and be retained, and preserved in the office of such register
of wills, and shall not be delivered to any person or persons
An act relating to the recovery of Small Debts.
Passed Mar.13,1832
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Appeals from
land, That no appeal from a judgment rendered by a jus-
judgment of jus-
tice of peace not
tice of the peace, shall be dismissed because of a petition
to be dismissed
not being filed, except on default of the appellant to file the
same after rule laid in court, requiring the filing of it, and
two days, (inclusive of day of service) notice to appellant
of such rule; and every case of such appeal not dismissed
on default as aforesaid, shall be heard and determined if the
Such appeal shall
be heard
petition shall be filed at any time before the hearing and
trial, in the same manner and to the same effect as if the
said petition had been filed in the time noiv required by
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That no judgment rendered by
Judgments of jus-
a justice of the peace, on a judgment, or decision of the
tices of the peace
in case of pilots not
board of examiners of pilots, shall be reversed or set aside
to be set aside for
want of form,&c.
for want of form in such judgment or decision of said board;
nor for want of averments in such judgment or decision
necessary to render the same full and precise as to parlies,
claim, dates or other particulars, if by examination of any
of the board or other persons as witnesses, the said defects
can be supplied, and said matters and particulars ascertain-
ed—and in all the said case? of defective judgment or de-
cisions of such board, the court, on the appeal, taking said
Rule for deciding
such appeals