CHAP. 298.
Passed Feb. 5, 1832
An act to blend Ncw Town, (Trap,) and New Freedom, m
Frederick county, into one, by the name of Jefferson, and
to establish Boundaries of Lots, by Commissioners, and to
Incorporate the same.
WHEREAS, New Town, (Trap,) in Frederick county,
was laid out into lots, and never recorded; and the said lota
are held by certain courses and distances, as stated in the
several deeds given for the same; which courses and dis-
tances, upon actual survey, are found to be incorrect, inas-
much as the lots, by the several numbers, are not thereby
held and secured to the owners, as now held by them; And
whereas, adjoining to the said Town, was afterwards laid off
another Town, into Lots, by the name of New Freedom —
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the towns commonly called New Town, (Trap)
and New Freedom, in Frederick county, shall be, and they
are hereby blended into one, which shall, from the passage
Names changed.
of this act, be known and called by the name of Jefferson.
Commissioners to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That William Lynch, Levi
day out and estab-
lish limits.
Philips, and John W. Pratt, be, and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners, to lay out and establish the lines of
said town, and the lots therein, as now held and possessed
by the several owners thereof; and having so laid out the
courses and distances, and the lines of the lots as so cor-
rected, as herein intended, the said commissioners are here-
by authorised and required to make a plat of the said town,
and file the same in the office of the Frederick county court,
to be there recorded among the land records of the county,
by the name of Jefferson; and that the said proprietors and
owners of the lots, parts of lots, and parcels of land, in the
Rights vested.
said town, and their heirs and assigns, may hereafter hold
and possess the same, in fee simple, as thus established and
set forth by courses and distances on the recorded plat of
said commissioners, which shall be signed by their hands
and seals; and the said commissioners shall be allowed each
Compensation al-
two dollars per day for every day that they may be engaged
in said labours, and may employ such surveyor and chain
earners as they may think proper, and allow them such
moderate compensation as they may think right, to be paid
by the owners of said lots or parcels of land.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the citizens of the said
Town incorpora-
named Jefferson, shall be, and they are hereby constituted
and made a body corporate, by the name of the commission-