the proceedings upon such view; Provided, that the said
CHAP. 898.
company, their officers, or agents shall not occupy, hold or
possess any piece or parcel of land, without the consent of
the owner or owners thereof, longer than the said jury shall
declare necessary for obtaining earth, stone, timber, or
other materials needed at the time for repairing the said ca-
nal, and Us appurtenant works.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the several sections or
Operation of this
provisions of this act shall respectively commence and take
effect, so far as regards the state of Maryland, from the
passage thereof; as regards the United States, and the state
of Virginia, so far as they may respectively assent to any or
all of its provisions, and on receiving the further assent of
the legislature of Pennsylvania, they shall he deemed to be,
so far as such assent may extend, a part of the charter of
the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company.
A further additional supplement to the act of December Sea-
sion, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter one hun-
dred and seventeen, entitled, An act to regulate the issuing
of Licenses to Traders, Keepers of Ordinaries, and others.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Maximum price of
no lax shall be paid by any ordinary keeper, under the pro-
ordinary licenses
visions of the original act to which this is a further addi-
tional supplement, or any of its supplements, exceeding the
sum of one hundred, nor less than eighteen dollars per an-
num; which sum shall be considered as including the tax of
five percent, on the rent or annual value directed to be as-
sessed by the act of the present session, entitled, An addi-
tional supplement to the ace passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter one hundred
and seventeen, entitled, An act to regulate the issuing of li-
censes to traders, keepers of ordinaries, and others, any
thing in the said additional supplement, to the contrary not-