line between said Davidsons and Elijah Bunsfield, to the
road leading from Vienna to New Market, thence with said
road to the place of beginning, shall henceforth cease to be
included in the third election district and the same is
hereby annexed to the second election district (or the New
Market district) in said county, and it shall and may be law-
ful for all voters residing within the lines above described,
and hereby annexed to the second district, to vote at the
place of holding the election in said district.
CHAP. 41.
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to enable purchasers
to obtain possession of Lands and Premises sold by Sher-
iffs, Coroners, and Elisors, at public auction, passed
December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chap-
ter one hundred and three.
Passed Jan. 26, 1832
WHEREAS, the original act to which this is a supplement,
authorizes the courts in the cases therein mentioned to is-
sue a writ in the nature of a writ of habere facias posses-
sionem, only to the sheriff, coroner or elisor who sold the
lands or tenements, and much inconvenience may arise
from the death, resignation, removal from office, disqualifi-
cation, or other termination of the authority of said sheriff,
coroner or elisor, before the issuing and executing said
writ or process — Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That in all cases under the original act to which this
is a supplement, it shall and may be lawful for any of the
courts in this state, mentioned in said law in case the
sheriff, coroner or elisor shall die, resign, be removed
from, or disqualified for office, or have his authority,
otherwise terminated after the sales mentioned in said
law, and before the writ in the nature of a writ of ha-
bere facias possessionem shall have been issued and ex-
ecuted, to issue said writ in the nature of a writ habere fa-
cias possessionem to any succeeding sheriff, coroner or eli-
sor, so that all the other provisions of said law are compli-
ed with and observed.
Court authorised
to issue a writ to
succeeding sheriff.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if any sheriff, coroner,
or elisor, to whom any writ of habere facias possessionem,
under the act to which this is a supplement shall be direct-
ed, or who shall be charged with, or on whom shall devolve
the execution of such writ, shall die, resign, be removed
from or disqualified for office, or have his authority, other-
Upon termination
or his authority
writ may be exe-
cuted and return-
ed by any suceed-
ing sheriff, &c.