each owner or owners of a gate or gates, on the public
roads in the said county, the amount of their gate tax, in
addition to their regular county tax, to be collected by the
collector of the county tax, as their taxes are, and not by
bill of indictment, by the grand jury, as in the original law
to which this is a supplement.
CHAP. 39.
Gate tax.
How collected.
An act to provide for the erection of a Bridge over Antietam
Creek, on the road leading from Williamsport to Boons-
borough, in Washington county.
Passed Jan, 25, 1832
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of Washington county, be, and they are
hereby authorised and required, to cause to be erected, over
Antietam creek, upon the best practicable site, at or near
the old bridge, on the road leading from Williamsport to
Boonsborough, a substantial stone bridge, upon such plan,
terms and conditions, and under such superintendance as
they may deem most conducive to the public interest, and
that they be, and are hereby authorised and required, to
Commissioners to
cause bridge to be
levy on the assessable property of said county, in two equal
annual levies, such sum or sums of money as they shall
deem necessary to defray all expenses incurred in and about
the erection of said bridge.
Levy therefor.
An act to lay out and open a road in Montgomery and Fre-
derick Counties.
Passed Jan. 24, 1832
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Jacob Nichols, Patrick Murphy, of Montgomery county
and John H. Simmons and A. H. Brown of Frederick coun-
ty, be, and the same are hereby appointed commissioners
Commissioners ap-
to survey, lay out and open a road not exceeding thirty feet
in width commencing at Barnesville, in Montgomery coun-
ty, and to intersect by the most direct and practicable route
to Bennets creek, on the north side at or near Tanneyhills
To lay out road.
Grist Mill, which is in Frederick county, and the said com-
missioners shall make out a plat of that part of the road
through Frederick county, and return the same to the clerk
Return plat which
is to be recorded.