CHAP. 37.
Assessors to value.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the several assessors so
appointed by virtue of this act, shall qualify according to
the provisions of the above act and on viewing the said real
and personal property, shall proceed to value and assess it,
according to the directions of the commissioners, and make
their return at a time specified by said commissioners, and
when so done, the levy court of said county shall proceed
to levy and allow each and every assessor, a sum which
they shall think, in their judgment, shall be a reasonable
compensation: Provided, it shall not, in any case, exceed
one hundred and fifty dollars.
Passed Jan. 25, 1832
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act author-
izing Gates to be kept on the public roads in Queen
Anne's county, passed at December session eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-three, chapter one hundred and seven.
WHEREAS, that part of the original law to which this is
a supplement, which relates to the recovery of the tax on
gates, in case of neglect, by bill of indictment, of the
grand jury, is not only oppressive on the persons indicted,
but is a considerable tax on the county; — Therefore.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the fourth and fifth sections in the original
law, to which this is a supplement, be, and the same are
hereby repealed.
Supervisors to re-
turn lists of gates,
and to whom they
Sec. 2 And be it enacted That it shall be the duty of the
supervisors of the public roads, at the time they render
their accounts fur settlement to the Levy Court, to accom-
pany the same, with a list, under oath, of the number of
gates which are on the road, of which he is supervisor, and
designate to whom they belong. And when a list of gates
has been so rendered by the supervisor, the person or per-
sons to whom they belong, shall stand charged, annually,
on the books of the collector, therewith, until the said
owner or owners, of such gate or gates, shall satisfy the
levy court of their abatement and removal; and the super-
visor having once returned a list of gates, under the provi-
sions of this act, shall thereafter be required, to return an-
nually, only such gate or gates as may be put up on the road,
subsequently to his preceding return.
Persons to stand
charged therewith
till removal:
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said
county, shall, when making out the list of taxes, enter to