CHAP. 255
An act to authorise the President and Directors of the Ha-
Passed Mar. 9, 1832
gerstown Bank, to sell and convey real property.
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary -
Deed authorised.
land, That after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful
for the president directors and company, of the Hagers-
town Bank, by a deed to be executed and acknowledged by
the president of said institution, and sealed with the seal of
said corporation, to convey to any person or persons, any
interest or estate, in lands or tenements which have been, or
may hereafter be acquired by the said president directors
and company, according to the terms of the charter of said
An act to provide for the opening a part of Parkin street, in
Passed Mar. 8,1832
the City of Baltimore, or closing the same.
Section 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Authority granted.
land, That the mayor and city council of Baltimore, shall
be, and they are hereby authorised to pass such ordinance
or ordinances, for the purpose of opening Parkin street, in
the city of Baltimore, between Baltimore and Lexington
streets, prior to the first day of May next, in such manner,
and upon such terms and conditions as they may deem most
advisable; and for ascertaining and paying the damages
caused by opening said street; and the assessing, levying
and collecting a just proportion of the sum of said dam-
ages and incidental expenses, from each and all the owners
of property benefited thereby; Provided always, That
every person who may feel aggrieved by any assessment of
damages or benefits shall be allowed an appeal within a rea-
sonable time, to be limited for taking the same; and, Balti-
more city court, shall exercise such jurisdiction in any case
of appeal, as shall be authorised by any ordinance that may
be passed in pursuance of this act.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the mayor and city
Conditional repeal
council of Baltimore, shall not provide for the opening of
the aforesaid part of Parkin street, previous to the day
aforesaid, then the act of December session, of the year
eighteen hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred and
forty eight, and the act of December session, of the year