CHAP. 244.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said judges of the or-
phans' court, shall apportion the said donation, or sum, or
Apportionment of
sums of money, which they may receive from year to year,
donations amongst
the districts.
in the following manner, to wit: too hundred and fifty dol-
lars, shall be located in the upper district of said county,
and three hundred dollars in the middle district of said coun-
ty, and two hundred and fifty dollars in the lower district of
said county.
Commissioners to
Sec 3. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of mak-
apportion in the
upper district.
ing a fair and proper distribution of the several sums of mo-
ney appropriated to the several election districts of said
county, for the upper district, that Thomas Burchenell,
George Newlee,Thomas Clendining, James Roe, and Abra-
ham Jump, junior, shall be commissioners, or a majority of
them, to locate such schools in said district as they may
think proper, more particularly in such parts of said district,
as at the present time has no school house; and for the mid-
In the middle dir-
dle district, Doctor Marcelus Keene, Giles Hicks, Thomas
H. Baynard, Thomas S. Carter, and Willis Charles, or a
majority of them, shall be commissioners for the purpose
In the lower dis-
aforesaid; and for the lower district, Peter Willis, Tilgh-
man Davis, Robert S Keene, Foster Willis, and Clemment
Hubbard, or a majority of them, shall be commissioners for
the purposes aforesaid, and the judges of the orphans court
Orphans Court to
pay over.
of the county aforesaid, are hereby authorised to pay over
to the said commissioners, out of the apportionment in each
district, upon an account being rendered, regularly drawn
up and proven according to law, two dollars per day, for
every day the said commissioners shall have been engaged
in the services aforesaid, which said commissioners shall re-
Commissioners to
port to the judges of the orphans' court, the number of
schools they have located in each district, on or before
the first Monday of October next.
Trustees of schools
Sec. 4. And be it enacted. That after the said commis-
sioners have made location of such schools in the several
districts of said county as aforesaid, that the citizens in the
immediate neighbourhood of said schools, shall and may
select from among themselves, not less than three, nor more
than seven trustees, who shall, or a majority of them, take
charge of the government of said schools, and in no case the
same person shall act as trustee in any more than one school
in said county.
Case of location
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That in all cases, where the
where there is no
school house.
location for a school, or schools in any of said districts,
should be where there is no school house, notwithstanding
the citizens in the immediate neighborhood shall and may
proceed to appoint or select their trustees for the good