Company of Baltimore. Witness our hands this ———
day of ———— , eighteen hundred and ———— . And shall
CHAP. 191.
give notice in two of the public news papers of the city
of Baltimore, for two weeks at least, of the times when, and
Notice required.
the places where the said books shall be open to receive
subscriptions of stock for said company; at which times
and places, at least two of the said commissioners shall at-
tend, and shall permit and suffer all persons who shall offer
to subscribe, in person or by attorney duly authorised, in
the said books, which shall be kept open at least four hours
every day, Sundays excepted, for the space of three days,
if three days be necessary; and if at the expiration of the
first three days the whole of the shares of the said stock be
not taken, the said commissioners may adjourn from time to
time, as they may determine, until the whole number shall
be subscribed.
Books opened.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That when five thousand shares,
or more, of the said stock, shall have been subscribed, the
said commissioners heretofore named, shall, as soon as con-
veniently may be, give ten days notice in the papers as afore-
said, of the time and place by them appointed for the stock-
Meeting to orga-
holders to meet, in order to organize the said corporation,
and to elect eight directors, being stockholders in the said
company, chosen by ballot, by a plurality of votes of the
stockholders present, or by proxy, each stockholder having
as many votes as he may hold shares; and the directors so
chosen, shall serve until others shall be chosen, and no longer;
and on the return of the same day in each and every year
thereafter, there shall be held a like election; and at their
Election of direc-
first meeting after such election, said directors shall choose,
from amongst the stockholders, a president; and should it at
any time happen, that an election of directors shall not be
Annual elections.
made upon the day when, pursuant to this act, it ought to
have been made, the said corporation shall not, for that
cause, be deemed to be dissolved, but it shall be lawful
on any other day, within ten days thereafter, to hold and to
make an election of directors, in such manner as shall have
been regulated by the by-laws and ordinances of the said
Case of neglect.
corporation; and in case of death, resignation, or disqualifi-
cation, of a director, the place of such director, for the re-
mainder of the year, shall be filled up by the board of direc-
tors, for the time being.
Of vacancies
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the president and directors
shall have full power and authority to make insurances
against all loss or damage from fire, flood, or other casualty,
and against all loss or damage from any cause, hazard, or
ability whatsoever, on and relating to factories, mills,
General powers to
insure &c.