called meeting, a majority, in value, of the stockholders of
said company shall not be present in person or by proxy,
such meeting shall be adjourned from day to day, without
transacting any business, for any time not exceeding three
days, and if within said three days, stockholders having a
majority, in value, of the stock subscribed, do not thus at-
tend, such meeting shall be dissolved definitively.
CHAP. 168.
Special meetings
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That at all the regular annual
meetings of the stockholders of said company, it shall be
the duty of the president and directors in office, for the
preceding year, to exhibit a clear and distinct statement of
the affairs of the company, and that at any called meeting
of the stockholders, a majority of those present may re-
quire a similar statement from the president and directors,
whose duty it shall be to furnish the same when thus re-
quired, and that at all general meetings of the stockholders, a
majority, in value, of all the stockholders of said company,
Statement of af-
may remove from office any president, or any one or more
of the directors of said company, and may appoint others
in his or their stead.
Power to remove
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That every president and di-
rector of said company, before he acts as such, shall swear
or affirm, (as the case may be) that he will well and truly
discharge the duties of his said office to the best of his
skill and judgment.
Oath prescribed.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That so soon as the Allegany
Coal Mine Rail Road Company shall be organized, accord-
ing to the several provisions of this act, the president and
directors of said company, or a majority of them, may con-
struct and repair a rail road from some suitable point in the
Town of Cumberland, to the respective Coal Mines, up the
Valley of Wills creek, with lateral ways to the different
coal mines, in the discretion of the president and directors,
or a majority of them, as may seem most expedient.
Authorised to con-
struct rail road.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That if any of the said four
thousand shares of the capital stock of the said company,
shall remain unsubscribed until the organization of the said
company, or if the shares of the said capital stock, reserved
to the State, or any part of it, shall not have been subscribed
by the State during the time for which the stock is reserved,
then the president and directors shall have power to open
books, and to receive subscriptions to any of the capital
stock of said company, which may remain unsubscribed for,
or to sell or dispose df such unsubscribed stock, for the
benefit of the company, for any sum not under its par value;
and the purchaser or purchasers of such stock shall have
all the rights, powers and privileges, of original subscribers,
and shall be subject to the same regulations and liabilities.
Subsequent sub-