CHAP. 137.
An act to change the place of holding the Election in the
Fourth Election District, in Dorchester County.
Passed Feb.27,1833
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly, by
the petition of sundry citizens of Dorchester county, that
the judges oi election, in the fourth election district in said
county, experience much inconvenience, and unjustifiable
interruption in the discharge of their duty, by reason of not
having sufficient liberty in, and control over the room or
house in which said election is held — Therefore,
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the place of holding the election in the fourth
election district, in Dorchester county, be, and the same is
hereby altered and removed from the house of Levin Wool-
ford, Esq. to the house of Mrs. Ann M Staplefort, at Par-
son's Creek.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That any law which is incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act, be, and the same is
hereby repealed.
Place changed.
Repealing clause
An act for the relief of Joseph learned, of the City of
Passed Feb.23,1832
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the orphans' court of Montgomery county; be, and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to grant to Joseph Lar-
ned, of the city of Washington, the benefit of the several
acts of Assembly, passed for the relief of insolvent debtors;
Provided, the said Joseph Lamed, shall in all respects, (ex-
cept that of proving residence) comply with the requisitions
of said acts of Assembly, and that he satisfy the said or-
phans' court, that he did not come into this state with the
view of obtaining the benefit of the said insolvent laws.
An act regulating Joint Fences, in Queen Anne's and Tal-
bot Counties.
Passed Feb.23,1832
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That wherever joint fences have, or may be estab-