CHAP. 134
Subscription to
turnpike stock re-
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That the said bank shall
ivithin one year after its going into operation, subscribe ten
thousand dollars in the stock of a turnpike road, to begin at
the east end of Saulsberry street, in the town of Williams-
port, and run thence in the most direct and practicable route
to intersect Jonathan street, in Hagerstown, at or near the
marsh run; Provided, that if no company to make said road
be incorporated within the time limited for said subscrip-
tion, then the said subscription shall be made as soon after-
wards as a company to make such road, shall be incorporat-
ed and organised, or in the stock of the Boonsborough turn-
pike company, or in the stock of the turnpike road from
Cave town, Washington county, to Westminister, in Fre-
deiick county.
Prohibited to pur-
chase shares of
Sec. 19. And 6e it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for
the corporation aforesaid, to receive or accept of any of its
own shares of stock, in payment of any debt or debts, and if
any share or shares are so accepted, then and in such case
the charter hereby granted, shall immediately thereupon be
forfeited and annulled, and each and every director consent-
ing to such acceptance shall forfeit and pay for every share
he consents so to accept, the sum of fifty dollars, the one half
to the informer and the other half to the state, to be adjudg-
ed and recovered on indictment and conviction, or confes-
sion of the party accused, in the county court of the county
wherein the banking House of said institution is situated.
Passed Feb. 27,1832
An act for the relief of Martha Elizabeth Cunningham, of
Harford County.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma -
ryland, That Martha Elizabeth Cunningham, be, and she
is hereby divorced from bed, board, and mutual cohabita-
tion with her husband Mortimer Cunningham.
Exhonerated from
payment of debts.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the said Mortimer Cun-
ningham, shall not be liable for any debt to be hereafter con-
tracted by the said Martha E. Cunningham, nor be entitled
to any property which she now has, or may hereafter ac-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid Martha
Elizabeth Cunningham, be, and she is hereby declared to
be entitled to the custody and guardianship of her children
during their minority.