CHAP. 133.
of the Washington County Bankv shall be established at the
Town of Williamsport, in Washington county, and that as
goon as five thousand shares of the capital stock of said
company shall have been subscribed, the subscribers there-
of shall be, and are hereby made a corporation and body
politic, under the name and style of the Washington County
Bank, and by that name shall be, and are hereby made ca-
pable in law, to sue, and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
answer and be answered, defend and be defended in any
court of record, or any other place whatever; and also, to
make, have and use a common seal, and the same to break,
alter and renew at pleasure, and to make, issue and negoci-
ate promisary notes; and generally, to do and execute all
such matters and things as to them shall appertain under the
provisions of this act.
Captal stock.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of this
Bank shall consist of two hundred and fifty thousand dol-
lars, money of the United States divided, into ten thousand
Shares— reserved
shares, of twenty-five dollars each, one thousand shares
whereof, shall be reserved for the use and benefit of the
state, to be subscribed for in such manner as the Legisla-
ture may direct.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That John R. Dall, Daniel
Weisell, Mathew S. Van Lear, James Grimes, Michael A.
Finley and Charles A. Warfield, (of A.) Abraham Barnes
and Robert Wason; be, and they are hereby appointed
commissioners, under the direction of a majority of whom,
subscriptions may be received to the capital stock of the
said Washington County Bank; and they, or a majority of
Open books.
them, may cause books to be opened at such times and
places as they may direct, for the purpose of receiving sub-
scriptions to the capital stock of said company, after hav-
ing given such notice of the times and places of opening
the same, as they may deem proper, and that upon the first
opening of said books, they shall be kept open for at least
three successive days, from ten o'clock A. M. until two
o'clock P. M. and if, at the expiration of that period, such
a subscription of the capital stock of said company, as is
necessary to its incorporation, shall not have been obtained,
the said commissioners or a majority of them, may cause
the said books to be opened from time to time, after the
expiration of the said three days, for the space of twelve
months thereafter, or until the sum necessary to the incor-
poration of said company shall have been subscribed; and,
if any of the said commissioners shall die, resign, or refuse
to act during the continuance of the duties devolved upon
them by this act, another may be appointed in hisstead by
the remaining commissioners.