Baltimore county, and recorded at the expense of the in-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if any such inspector
shall omit or delay to inspect or cause to be inspect-
ed any parcel of leather required by this act to be in-
spected, for a time exceeding twenty-four hoars after he
shall have been requested to inspect the same, he shall for-
feit and pay to the owner of such parcel of leather ten cents
an hour upon each and every side of leather therein con-
tained, for so many hours as he shall omit or delay to inspect
the same, over and above the said term of twenty-four
hours, which penalty shall or may be recoverable in an ac-
tion of debt, with costs, before a justice of the peace.
CHAP. 105.
Penalty for delay
in inspecting
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That every such inspector shall
be entitled to receive as compensation or fees for his ser-
vices, two cents for each and every side inspected by him-
self or his deputy, originally payable by the party who
shall employ him, and the whole amount of said fees shall
always thereafter be a lawful charge on the purchaser of
such leather.
Compensation for
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That all sole leather, rough
harness and rough skirting leather tanned in the city of Bal-
timore or elsewhere, and brought within the limits of said
city for sale, manufacture, use or exportation, shall be in-
spected as aforesaid; Provided nevertheless, That it shall not
be necessary or requisite, by virtue of this act, to inspect
any leather which shall have been inspected under an in-
spection law of any other state before it is brought to said
city of Baltimore.
Inspection direc-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That any person who shall sell
or buy within the limits of said city, or export or cause to
exported therefrom, any sole leather, rough ha mess or rough
skirting leather, not lawfully inspected as aforesaid, after
inspectors appointed under this act shall have entered on
the duties of their office, shall forfeit five dollars for each
and every side of leather so sold, bought or exported, re-
coverable with costs in the name of the state, in an action
of debt before any justice of the peace, one half of the
money recovered, to be for the use of the informer, and the
other half to the use of the state, to be paid to the clerk of
Baltimore city court, to be accounted for by him pvery six
months to the Treasurer of the Western Shore, with an al-
lowance to such clerk of five per ceat for his services in
receiving and paying over the same.
Penalty for selling
buying export-
ing without in-
See. 10. And be it enacted, That every person who shall
counterfeit or fraudulently alter any of the marks, stamps,
brands or impressions of any such inspection on any side or
Penalty for coun
terfeiting marks