CHAP. 106.
this act, to inspect any sole leather, rough harness or rough
skirting leather, within the city of Baltimore, and the man-
ner of Inspection shall be as follows, viz: each side of lea-
Manner of inspec-
ther shall be accurately weighed, and the weight thereof
shall be stamped or branded thereon, in plain, strong and
legible figures, expressing the number of pounds and quarter
pounds, (if any,) and the quality of each side, shall also be
stamped or branded thereon, in plain, strong and legible
letters, according to the following criteria or distinctions,
that is to say, if the side is of good quality of hide and of
Good quality.
the best manufacture, there shall be stamped or branded
upon it, the word best: if the side be of good quality of
hide, and of good manufacture, the word good, if the side
is of good quality of hide, but of bad manufacture, the
word bad: and if the side is damaged, the word damaged.
There shall also be stamped or branded on each side in-
spected, the sirname of the inspector, and the word Balti-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That any such inspector shall
refuse to inspect any leather which is unmerchantably damp,
but, in all cases in which any side or sides of leather so in-
spected, shall fall short of the inspection weight marked
thereon, equal to five per cent, such inspector shall be
Penalty for wrong
liable to the owner of the same, in on action of debt, with
costs, before any justice of the peace, for all such deficien-
cy, and in all cases in which any side or sides of leather,
being merchantably dry, shall exceed the inspection weight
marked thereon, equal to five per cent, such inspector shall
For wrong weigh-
be liable to the tanner of the same, in a like action, recov-
erable in like manner, for all such overplus or excess.
Appointment of
dcputy inspectors
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That in case any such inspec-
tor shall, at any time, by reason of sickness, or other cause,
be unable, personally, to attend to the duties of his office,
or in case the quantity oi leather required to be inspected
by him, shall, at any time, be greater than he can inspect
without aid, then, in either case, he may and shall appoint
one or more deputy inspectors, to act in his stead, or in
his aid, in the performance of the duties of his office,
which deputies shall be paid by the inspector appointing
them, and shall be accountable to him for the faithful dis-
charge uf the duties of said office, and the inspector ap-
pointing them, shall be responsible for their acts in the same
manner as he would be, if done or committed by himself
personally, which said deputy or deputies shall take and
subscribe, the same oath or affirmation, as is required of
the inspector, which oath or affirmation, when reduced to
writing, shall also be lodged in the office of the clerk of