a jury in any suit as aforesaid, the adjudication of the com-
missioners in the point confirmed by the jury and between
the parties, and those claiming under them, shall conclude
to every intent and purpose; and the said land shall be
forever thereafter secured and confirmed to the trustees of
said society, constituted and appointed by this act, and ar-
ticles of incorporation of the eighteenth day of March,
eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and their successors, as
fully and effectually as if a deed had been regularly exe-
cuted and recorded therefor.
CHAP. 78.
An Additional Supplement to the act, entitled, An act
empowering the Levy Court of Cecil County at their
discretion to levy a sum of money to build a Bridge,
over the Octorara Creek in said County, at or near
Samuel Rowland's Store, passed at December Session
eighteen hundred and twenty -one, chapter one hun-
dred and twelve.
Passed Feb. 9.
WHEREAS John W. Thomas, one of the commissioners
named in the second section of the supplement to the act
to which this is an additional supplement, hath declined
acting as a commissioner; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Samuel Rowland be and he is hereby appointed, with
James Gerry and Carvill Cooley, the other two commis-
sioners named in the said second section, a commissioner,
with power to contract with and employ, in conjunction
with the other commissioners, any person or persons to
roof and weatherboard said bridge; and it shall be the duty
of said commissioners, after its completion, to settle their
accounts with the commissioners of said county find they
shall be entitled to receive tea dollars each for their ser-