CHAP. 77.
Bruise may be
penses, which may be in any manner incurred under the
authority of this act, in laying out and opening the said
street, and building the aforesaid bridge.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted. That if in the future im-
provement of Antietam-street the aforesaid bridge should
be found an obstruction to such improvement, it shall be
the duty of the moderator and commissioners of Hagers-
town, and they are hereby expressly authorised and re-
quired to cause such bridge to be removed, or so cons^ruct-
ed as to admit the free passage of wagons, carriages, or
other vehicles, up and down said street.
Passed Feb. 9.
An Act appointing Commissioners to mark and bound
the Lot of Land on which the House for Public
Worship of the Baptist Society of Harford County
stands, and to vest the Title of said Land in the Trus-
tees of said County.
to ascertain lo-
cation of land.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
.Maryland, That Henry G. Walters, Harry D Gough, and
Mahlon H. West, be and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners, and they, or a majority of them, are hereby au-
thorised to settle and ascertain, from the best evidence that
can be procured, the proper location and boundaries of the
lot of land which has been in possession of the regular
Baptist Society of Harford county, upon which the house
for public worship of said society stands, and the said com-
missioners are hereby vested with all and singular the pow-
ers given by the act of seventeen hundred and eighty-six,
to commissioners for marking and bounding land, and the
several supplements thereto, and that they shall proceed in
the same manner as by said act directed, and make a cor-
rect return of their proceedings, with a plot of such land
as by them so found, to the clerk of Harford county court,
who shall record the same
Evidence of
anginal loca-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in case no suit or ac-
tion be brought within the time limited by thr act aforesaid
for marking land, to call in question the adjudication of the
commissioners, the marking and bounding of said land as
aforesaid, and the record thereof, shall be conclusive evi-
dence of the original location thereof; or if the adjudica-
tion of the commissioners shall be confirmed by verdict of