take place under or by virtue of this act until the commis-
sioners aforesaid are fully satisfied that the valuation to be
made, as is herein before directed, shall have been tender-
ed or paid to the person or persons authorised to receive
the same.
CHAP. 75.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the act of the general
assembly passed at December session eighteen hundred and
sixteen, chapter 162, entitled, An act to widen a part of
Bridge-street in the city of Baltimore, be and the same is
hereby repealed; Provided nevertheless, that nothing in
this act contained shall have any force or effect until approv-
ed by the mayor and city council of Baltimore.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to provide
for electing Commissioners for Washington County,
and prescribing their powers and duties.
Passed Feb. 9.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and alter the passage of this act
the commissioners of Washington county, upon the peti-
tion of any six freeholders in said county, describing suf-
ficiently any road which they may wish to have opened,
straightened, altered, or shut up, be and they are hereby
authorised to issus a commission to three examiners, dis-
creet and disinterested citizens and freeholders of said
county, authorising them, or any two of them, to meet
upon the premises, and inquire and examine whether the
convenience of the neighbouring country requires that the
road should he opened, straightened, altered, or shut up,
agreeably to the petition, and if in their judgment the con-
venience of the neighbourhood does not require the road
to be opened, straightened, altered, or shut up, as prayed
for, they shall make their return accordingly, and there-
upon the proceedings shall end, and the petition be dis-
missed, and the petitioners shall pay all costs incurred; hut
if in their opinion the convenience of the neighbourhood
does require such road to be opened, straightened, altered,
or shut up, they shall make, or cause to be made, in their
presence, and under their direction, a location of such road
in the manner in which they shall deem best for the pub-
lic interest and convenience, and also of such other por-
relative to o-
pening roads,