CHAP. 64.
and city council of Baltimore, seven of which said mana-
gers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-
ness; and the said managers shall appoint from their own
body a president, a secretary and a treasurer, and prescribe
the duties of each; Provided, that the said treasurer, be-
fore he shall enter upon the duties of his office, shall give
bond in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, for the
faithful discharge of the duties of his office; and whenever
any vacancy in said board of managers shall occur by death,
resignation, removal from the city, or otherwise, the same
shall be filled for the remainder of the year by such person
as the board of managers for the time being, or a majority
of them, shall appoint; and the members of said association
.shall assemble on the third Monday of February annually,
at such place in the city of Baltimore as the board of ma-
nagers may from time to time appoint, and of which the
president, or in case of his absence or refusal to give the
same, the secretary, or any member of the association,
shall give notice in at least two of the daily papers in the
city of Baltimore, and elect, by a plurality of ballots, eight
managers; Provided, that the notice of the Section to be
held in the city of Baltimore on the third Monday of Fe-
bruary instant, may he given by the executive committee
who were appointed at a meeting of citizens held at the
city hall in the city of Baltimore on the sixteenth day of
October last.
Proceeding's in
rase no elec-
lion takes
place at time
Sec. 4. And be, it enacted, That if the said annual elec-
tion and appointment shall not tako place at the times ap-
pointed for that purpose, the said corporation shall not
therefore be dissolved, hut the members of the said board
shall continue in office until a new election and appoint-
ment shall be hod.
Buildings may
be provided.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted. That the board of managers
shall provide a suitable building in the city or county of
Baltimore, and establish such regulations respecting the re-
ligious and moral education, training, employment, disci-
pline, and safe keeping, of its inhabitants, as may be deem-
ed expedient and proper.
Minorss who
may be com-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That all minors of either
sex who shall hereafter be arrested and proved to have
been begging in or about the streets of the city of Balti-
more, or who shall be duly convicted on any criminal
charge in Baltimore county or city court, and by the court
deemed proper subjects for the House of Refuge, and all
such minors of either sex, as the trustees of the alms-
house of Baltimore county may have the charge of, and
find too refractory for their management, and all such mi-