An Act to provide for the building of a Bridge over the
Patuxent River at the place called The Fork of Pa-
CHAP. 51.
Passed Feb. 7.
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners for Anne-Arundel
county be and they are hereby authorised and directed, to
assess and lew on the assessable property of Anne-Arun-
cld county, any sum not exceeding (our hundred and fifty
dollars clear of collection, which sum shall be levied, col-
lected, and paid over to the commissioners appointed by
this act, as other- charts are.
Levy authoris-
S*c 2 And be it enacted. That Philip H. Hopkins,
George A. Barber and James H. Marriott, he and they
are herebv appointed commissioners, and they, or a ma-
ioritv of then, are hereby authorised and required to cause
a bridge to be built of good a id substantial materials across
the Patuxent river, at or near the place called The Fork
of Patuxent and thev are hereby directed, after giving ten
days public notice thereof, to set up the building of said
bridge to the lowest bidder; and the said commissioners,
or a majority of them, shall require a bond with good and
sufficient security, from the person making the lowest bid,
faithfully to build and keep in repair the said bridge for
Sec. 3 And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers be and they are hereby required to inspect the said
bridge as soon as it is completed, and if they are satisfied
that It is constructed according to contract, then and in
that case thev are authorised immediately to call on the
collector for "Anne-Arundel county, for such sum not ex-
ceeding the sum aforementioned, as they may have agreed
to pay for building the said bridge; and the said collector
is hereby required to pay to the order of the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, any sum not exceeding four
hundred and fifty dollars.
Bridge to be