gains and purchases to be made by the said corporation,
which may increase the yearly value of Paid estate above
or beyond the sum aforesaid, shall be forfeited to, and held
for the use of the state of. Maryland.
CHAP. 43.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said John B. Pur-
cell, Francis B. Jamison, John M'Caffrey, Alexander L.
Hitzilberger, Hilary Parsons, Edward S. Sourin, and Tho-
mas R. Butler, and their successors, members of the said
association, shall and may, on the first Monday in June
next, and on the first Monday in June in each and every
year thereafter, elect by ballot from among their own num-
ber, a principal, a vice-principal, a treasurer, who shall also
act as secretary, and a procurator; and every officer of the
aforesaid association, hereafter to be appointed, shall re-
main in office until his resignation be accepted or another
person be appointed in his stead, and it shall and may be
lawful to and for the members of the said association, at
any time hereafter to admit as members such person or
of Principal
persons as to them may seem qualified; Provided never-
theless, that the said corporation hereby created shall not
at any one time hold more than one thousand acres of land,
rior shall the nett annual income arising from the estate,
real, personal and mixed, of said corporation, exceed the
sum of ten thousand dollars.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the members of the
aforesaid association shall have, and they are hereby and
forever invested and clothed with all the powers, privi-
leges and authority, heretofore given to, and vested in, the
aforesaid John B. Purcell, principal, and Francis B. Jami-
son, vice-principal of Mount Saint Mary's College, and
given to and vested in the said college, and the said college
is hereby declared to be, and for now and forever, a part
of tve institution and association herein and hereby incor-
Certain pow-
ers vested, &o.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the general assembly
of Maryland shall at all times have and hereby expressly
reserve the power to alter or amend this charter.
Charter may
be amended.
An Act to authorise the Commissioners of Cecil Coun-
ty to build a Bridge and open a Road in said County*
Passed Feb. 4,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Hyland B. Penington, Robert C. Lusby,
to survey and
lay out road.