CHAP 42.
Passed Feb. 4.
An Act to incorporate Mount St. Mary's Institute in
Frederick County.
WHEREAS John B. Purcell, Francis B. Jamison, John
M'Caffrev, Alexander L. Hitzilherger, Hilary Parsons,
Edward S. Sourin, and Thomas R. Butler, by their peti-
tion to this general assembly, setting forth that they have
associated for the education of youth, the pursuit of sci-
ence, and general diffusion of knowledge, thereby increas-
ing individual happiness and the public good, have prayed
for an act of incorporation: Therefoie,
Felons incor-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Jlssemlly of
Maryland, Th;»t the aforementioned John B. Purcell,
Francis B. Jamfcon, John M'Caffrey, Alexander L. Hits-
ilberger, Hilary Parsons, Edward S. Sourin, and Thomas
R Butler, and those who may hereafter become members
of the said association, and their successors, from and im-
mediately after the passage of tin's net, he and they are
hereby created and declared to he a body politic and cor-
porate, by the name and style of Mount St. Mary's Insti-
tute, and by the name aforesaid to hove perpetual succes-
sion, and be able and capable at law and in equity to sue
and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in any court of
law or equity of this sfate, and that it shall and may be
lawful to and for the said John B Purcell. Francis B Ja-
mison, John MCaffrey, Alexander L Hitsilberger, Hilary
Parsons, Edward S. Sourin, and Thomas R Butler, and
their successors, members of the said association, to devise,
make, have and use a common seal, and the same to break,
alter and renew, at their pleasure, and to make, alter and
repeal, rules and by-laws for the good government of the
paid association: and the said association, by the name
aforesaid, are hereby made, and forever shall be able and
capable in law to purchase, take, hold and enjoy, in fee
simple, or for any lesser estate, any lands, tenements, he-
reditaments, or other real estate whatsoever, and any per-
sonal estate, goods or chattels whatsoever; Provided al-
ways, that the yearly value of the lands, tenements, he-
reditaments, and all and singular the real and personal es-
tate of the said association, exclusive of the buildings and
appurtenances appropriated for the use of the students and
professors of the college of the said association, and their
private chapel, shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five
thousand dollars current money; and all gifts to the said
college and association after the yearly value of their said
estate shall amount to ten thousand dollars, and all bar-