A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate
the Inspection of Tobacco, so far as relates to Prince
George's County.
Passed Feb. 1.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the annual meeting of the levy court of
Prince-George's county, which is now required to beheld
between the fifteenth and twenty-fifth day of January, shall
in every year hereafter be held, for all the purposes of said
annual meeting, between the twentieth day of January and
the tenth day of February.
Time changed
for meeting of
levy court.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if at any time after the
passage of this act the levy court of Prince-George's coun-
ty should be of opinion that public convenience requires an
additional inspector at any tobacco warehouse in said coun-
ty, except the warehouse at Magruder's ferry, and the
warehouse at Piscataway, the said levy court shall, as soon
as may be, proceed to nominate and recommend to the
governor and council, two persons in addition to those per-
sons who may have been nominated and recommended at
their annual meeting, for the particular warehouse requir-
ing such additional inspector, and the governor and coun-
cil shall appoint the required additional inspector out of
the persons first nominated and recommended at the annu-
al meeting; of said levy court, (and not appointed,) and the
two persons by this act required to be nominated and re-
commended, and the said additional inspector when ap-
pointed, shall qualify, give bond, and perform the duties of
inspector, and be paid in the same manner as if he had been
appointed by the governor and council out of the annual
nominations and recommendations made by said levy court
Additional in-
spectors may
be nominated,*
An Act to abolish the Levy Court and provide for the
election by the People of Commissioners for Talbot
County, and prescribing their powers and duties.
Passed Feb. 2.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the persons qualified to vote for dele-
gates to the general assembly of this state, shall at the
ers, how and
when to be e-