of the balance now remaining due, with interest on the
whole sum, be paid on or before the first day of January
next, and the balance, with interest on the sum due, in
four equal annual instalments.
No. 49.
Passed Feb 23
A Resolution relating to the Commissioners appointed to
go to Harrisburg.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the governor be and he is hereby authorised to draw
upon the treasurer of the western shore, for such sum as
may be deemed by the executive sufficient to carry into ef-
fect the provisions of a resolution passed at the present ses-
sion providing for the appointment of commissioners to go
to Harrisburg upon the subject of obstructions in the Sus-
quehanua river.
No. 50.
Passnd Feb 22
A Resolution in favour of Joseph Wicks the 4th,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the eastern shore be, and he is hereby au-
thorised and directed, to enter upon the books of the trea-
surer a credit of twenty-five dollars sixty-one cents, in fa-
vour of Joseph Wicks the 4th, (late state's agent) in full for
commissions on a certain sum of money recovered on
Francis Gillespie's sheriff's bond and paid into the treasu-
ry by the said Joseph Wicks the 4th.
No. 51.
Passed Feb 23
A Resolution in favour of Henry Wayman,
Resolvedly the General Assembly of Maryland, That