Passed Feb 19
No. 43.
A Resolution in favour of Jannett Lingan, of Montgome-
ry County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore pay to Jannett Lingan,
of Montgomery county, or to her order, during her wi-
dowhood, in quarter-yearly payments, a sum of money
equal to the half pav of a captain, as a further remunera-
tion for her late husband's services during the revolution-
ary war.
No. 44.
Passed Feb 22
A Resolution authorising the Register of the Land Office
for the Western Shore to receive into the Land Office a
Certificate of a tract of Land called Stewards Good Will,
and issue a Patent for the same to Mary Magrath
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the register of the land office for the western shore be, and
he is hereby authorised and required, to receive into the
land office a certificate of a tract of land called Stewards
Good Will, resurveyed for George 11. Steuart the 10th day
of February eighteen hundred and twenty-four, and con-
taining three thousand six hundred and seventy-five square
feet, and that he issue a patent for the same to Mary Ma-
grath, upon the aforesaid certificate being returned, without
requiring payment, or proof of payment, of any composi-
tion money therefor.
No. 45.
Passed Feb 22
A Resolution in favour of Richard Ridgely, of Annapolis.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore pay to Richard Ridgely,
of Annapolis, the sum of eight dollars, as a compensation