CHAP 178.
their services as the said court may think right and pro-
Passed Feb 24
An Act for the benefit of James B. Dixon, former
Sheriff of Culvert County.
Authorised to
collect, &c.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That James B. Dixon, former sheriff of Cal-
vert county, be, and he is hereby authorised to collect, un-
til the first of July eighteen hundred and thirty-two, all
fines, forfeitures, amerciaments. officers fees, or public dues,
which were placed in his hands for collection, and which
have not been collected, in the same manner as he could or
might have done within the time limited by law.
Before he exe-
cutes to make
Affidavit, &e.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said James B. Dix-
on, shall, before he proceeds to execute the body or pro-
perty of any person or persons for fines, forfeitures, amer-
ciaments, officers fees or public dues, by the authority of
this .net, deliver, or cause to be delivered to such person
chargeable with the same, at least thirty days previous to
serving or levying such execution, an amount of the sum
demanded of him, her or them, with an affidavit annexed
thereto, that he hath not, nor has any person for his use,
received any part thereof, or satisfaction for the same, to
the best of his knowledge.
Passed Feb 24
An Act to distribute the School Fund in Montgomery
Annual divi-
dends to be
distributed, &c
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the levy court of Montgomery county
be, and they are hereby authorised and directed, to distri-
bute the annual dividends due from the bank stocks, hither-
to invested as the free school fund of Montgomery coun-
ty, and their annual incoming portion of the fund, in due
proportions to the white population of each election dis-