An Act to Divorce Charity Alderson and William C.
CHAP 143
Passed Feb 22
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Charity Alderson be. and she is hereby divorced from
bed, board, and mutual cohabitation, with her husband
William C. Alderson, of Baltimore countt; that she may
and shall henceforth take and be known by the name of
Charity Stansbury; and that the said Charity shall have
and exercise all the rights, privileges and immunities, and
be subject to all the legal responsibilities of a feme sole,
except that of marrying again, in the same manner as she
would have been if she had never been married; and that
the said William C. Alderson shall not, by virtue of his
marriage with the said Charity, be in any manner entitled
to, or authorised to have or claim any right, title or in-
terest, in the estate, real, personal or mixed, of the said
Charity, whether acquired by the said Charity prior to, or
to be acquired by her after the passage of this act; nor shall
the said Charity be in any manner entitled to, have or
claim any right, title or interest, in the estate real, personal
or mixed, of the said William C. Alderson, whether ac-
quired by the said William prior to, or to be acquired by
him after the passage of this act, and that neither the said
William, nor the said Charity, shall be liable for any debt
that may be hereafter contracted by the other.
claims annul-
An Act to authorise Jonas M'Pherson to lease certain
Property belonging to the Minor Children of Wil-
liam Allcock, deceased.
Passed Feb 18
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly by
Jonas M'Pherson, guardian to the orphan children of Wil-
liam Allcock, late of the city of Baltimore, deceased, that
certain property in the city aforesaid, belonging to the said
orphans, is subject to heavy ground rents, and that the said
property is unimproved, and that by leasing the same for
the unexpired terms of the original lease great benefits
would accrue to the said orphans; and the said Jonas M'Pher-
son having petitioned, in writing, this general assembly,