CHAP. 18.
be and the same is hereby exempt from appraisement and
sale, in all cases where there shall be a widow, or child,
or children, or grandchild or grandchildren, and that the
said wearing apparel shall belong to, and be the property
of the child or children of the deceased, and if there be no
child or children, then the same shall belong to and be the
property of the grandchild or grandchildren of the deceased,
and if there be neither child nor grandchild, then the same
shall belong to and be the property of the widow of the
Watches, &c.
not to be in-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the wearing apparel of
deceased persons, exempt from appraisement and sale un-
der this act, shall not be deemed or taken to include watches
or jewelry of any description.
Distribution to
be made
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That in all cases in which
the wearing apparel of a deceased person is exempted from
appraisement and sale by virtue of the provisions of this
act, it shall be the duty of the executor or administrator of
such deceased person, to make such distribution of such
wearing apparel, as he may consider equitable and proper,
when there are more persons than one entitled thereto, and
the same to deliver to the person or persons entitled to the
same, according to the provisions of the first section of this
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled, An
act to exempt the wearing apparel of deceased persons from
appraisement and exposure to sale by executors and ad-
ministrators, passed at December session eighteen hundred
and twenty-eight, chapter one hundred and forty-five, be
and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed Jan. 26
An Act for the relief of Mary B. Godwin, of the State
of Indiana.
Final account
to be allowed
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the orphans court of Queen-Anne's coun-
ty, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, as
soon after the passage of thig act as may be, to allow Sligh-
ter Sparks, of said county, to exhibit and pass in said court
a final account as guardian of Mary B. Godwin, as if she
was of the full age of eighteen years.