CHAP. 15.
and four, chapter eighty-two, to which this is a supple-
ment, so far as relates to the confinement of hogs and geese
in the town of St. Michael's, in Talbot count j, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Not lawful to
put up hogs or
geese in cer-
tain months
Stc. 2. And be it enacted. That after the passage of
this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons
within the limits of said town, between the first of March
and the first of November hereafter, to confine or put up
any hog or hogs, goose or geese, in any pen, house, or other
close confinement, under a penaltv of five dollars forevery
mich hog, and two dollars for everv goose, to be collected
as other small debts out of court are, one half to the in-
former, and the other half to the commissioners of said
town, to go towards its public improvements.
passed Jan. 22
An Act to provide for the admission of Somerset Coun-
ty to the benefit of an act entitled, An act to pro-
vide for the pulic instruction of Youth in Primary
Schools throughout this State.
Provisions of
act extended
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the provisions of an act,entitled, An act to provide
for the public instruction of youth in primary schools
throughout this state, passed at Dumber session eighteen
hundred and twenty five, chapter one hundred and sixty-
two, be and the same are hereby extended to Somerset
county, in the same manner as if the voters of the said
county had given a majority of votes in favour of the es-
tablishment of the said school, as provided for by the said
Passed Jan. 24
An Act for the relief of James N. Allnutt, of Montgo-
mery County.
Levy court to
pay him
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the levy court of Montgomery county
be, and they axe hereby authorized and empowered, to pay