Annapolis, March 25th. 1874.
Gentlemen of the Senate of Maryland :
I have the honor of transmitting to you a copy of the Re-
port of the Committee appointed by the Legislature at its
present Session, for the purpose of presenting to the Legisla-
ture of Virginia, the Resolutions adopted by the Legislature
of Maryland, for the adjustment of the Boundary Line be-
tween the two States.
BALTIMORE, March 20th, 1874.
To the Honorable the Senate and
House of Delegates of Maryland:
The undersigned have the honor to report, that in com-
pliance with the request contained in the Resolutions of the
General Assembly relating to the adjustment of the Bound-
ary Line between the States of Virginia and Maryland, we
left this city on Monday, the 16th instant, for Richmond,
and upon our arrival there, we had the honor to pay our re-
spects to his Excellency, J. L. Kemper, Governor of Vir-
ginia, and to deliver to him a letter, informing him of the
object of our mission, and requesting him to inform the Gen-
eral Assembly of Virginia, that we awaited their pleasure
and convenience as to the time and manner of its execution.
His Excellency, forthwith sent a message with a copy of
our letter to the two Houses of the General Assembly of Vir-
ginia, and a Joint Committee consisting of two Senators and
three Delegates, was appointed to tender us the privileges of
the floor of the two Houses, and to arrange for the presenta-
tion of the Resolutions of the General Assembly of Maryland.
In accordance with the report of the Joint Committee,
adopted by the two Houses, the Senate and House of Dele-
gates of Virginia, assembled in the Hall of the House of Del-
egates, in joint session, on Wednesday, the 18th instant,
when we were favorably received with a most cordial greet-
ing and welcome by the President of the Senate, who presided
at the joint session, and we had the honor then and there to
present to the General Assembly of Virginia, the Resolutions
of the General Assembly of Maryland.
We have the honor further to report, that our reception by
his Excellency, the Governor of Virginia, by the Joint Com-
mittee of the two Houses, and by the General Assembly in
joint session, by the Members of the two Houses individually,
and by the citizens of Virginia, at their capitol, many of