And be it enacted, That the County Treasurer shall in
each and every year, as soon as the County Commissioners
shall have made their annual levy, give notice by advertise-
ment in two newspapers published in said county, or in such
other manner as .said Commissioners shall direct; which no-
tice shall be as follows, or to the following effect, viz : This
is to give notice that the County Commissioners of Carroll
county, have this day made their annual levy on the assess-
able property of said county for State and county taxes for
the year —— ; that all persons or incorporated institutions
that shall pay their State and county taxes on or before the
1st day of September next, shall be entitled to a deduction of
five per centum on the amount of said taxes, and if paid on
or before the 1 st day of October next, a deduction of four
per centum, and if paid on or before the 1st day of Novem-
ber next, a deduction of three per centum ; that said taxes
will be in arrear on the 1st day of January next, and bear
interest from that date ; that all persons or incorporated in-
stitutions failing to pay their State and county taxes before
the same shall be in arrear, will render the property and
estate of such delinquent liable to be sold for the prompt pay-
ment of said taxes. ————, County Treasurer. And said
notice shall be published in said newspapers during the
months of July and December in each and every year.
On motion by Mr. Longwell,
The said amendments were concurred in and the bill pass-
ed by yeas and nays as follows :
Messrs. President, Lloyd,
Aydelott, McCulloh,
Blake, Stevens,
Crawford, Spencer,
Claggett, Suit,
Denson, Tuck,
Earle, Williams,
Fields, Walsh—17.
Also, returned
The Senate bill relating to the Patuxent Fisheries.
Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays, with proposed
Amend section 22 by striking out all after the word
"waters," in line 15, and inserting the following : "That
none other than bonafide resident citizens of said county shall