Mr. Walsh presented the petition of L. Green, J. M. Sim-
mons, J. T. Frieze and others, citizens of Harford county,
protesting against the repeal of the law as it now stands, in
reference to the catching offish, by the use of stake nets.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Chesa-
peake Bay and its Tributaries.
On motion by Mr. Longwell,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Longwell, Walsh and Lloyd
to report a bill entitled an Act to authorize the Trustees of
the Providence Methodist Protestant Church in Carroll coun-
ty, to sell and dispose of certain property therein mentioned.
On motion by Mr. Claggett,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Claggett, Phelps and Craw-
ford to introduce a bill entitled an Act to authorize the Coun-
ty Commissioners of Washington county to levy upon the
assessable property of said county the sum of three hundred
dollars, and to pay the same to Hon. Daniel Weisel, as addi-
tional compensation in the cases already tried, of the State of
Maryland vs. Mary E. Rowland, and State of Maryland vs.
Charles Carroll, removed from the Circuit Court for Wash-
ington county, to Allegany county.
Leave to the Committee on Judicial Proceedings to intro-
duce a bill entitled an Act to repeal the second section of
Article XXXVII. of the Code of Public General Laws, sup-
plement 1868, title "Evidence," sub-title "Competency of
Witnesses," and to amend and re-enact the same.
On motion by Mr. Earle,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Agriculture to re-
port a bill to secure uniform size in peach or other fruit boxes
and crates.
Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Judicial Proceedings,
reported unfavorably on
The House bill entitled an Act to add new sections to Ar-
ticle XXII. of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to
Worcester county, to be sub-titled "Sales of Spirituous or
Fermented Liquors.''
On motion by Mr. Stevens,
The bill and report were ordered to lie over.
Also, from a Select Committee, reported-favorably on
The House bill entitled an Act to add an additional sub-