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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 610   View pdf image (33K)
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President and Directors of said Company, or a majority of
them, to isaue the bonds of the said Company, to an amount
not exceeding $50,000.

Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee Corporations.


The House bill entitled au Act for the relief of Biscoe
Adams, one of the securities on the official bond of Rob. J.
Beau, former Collector of State taxes for St. Mary's county.

Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee Finance.

Mr. Walsh submitted the following


WHEREAS, There is a deep sympathy felt upon the part of
a large number of the adopted citizens of this country, residing
in Maryland, and of Irish nativity, which is shared by those
who are citizens by birth, in the continued imprisonment at-
tended by rigorous, and it is said, cruel treatment of num-
bers of State prisoners convicted of being engaged in a hos-
tile movement against the peace and integrity of the existing
Govenment of Great Britain, and known as "Fenians," and
now confined in the jails of that country.

And whereas, It being eminently proper that an appeal
should be made to the clemency and magnanimity of that
illustrious lady, so renowned for those estimable qualities,
which, as either wife, mother or Queen, have gained for her
the affection and respect of the entire civilized world, to use the
prerogative of the Crown she so worthily wears, in granting
a boon to those unfortunate men, which will restore them
to liberty and their families, and which will be so gratifying
to the vast majority of the people of Ireland, and to every
lover of humanity wherever found; therefore—

Be it Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives in
the Congress of the United States, be and they are hereby re-
quested to urge upon the Government of this country, the
propriety of its directing its Minister at the Court of St.
James, to use all proper and honorable means consistent with
his position, in obtaining from the Government of Great
Britain, the release of those Irish political prisoners now in-
carcerated in the jails of that country, for their alleged con-
nection with a conspiracy against the said Government,
known as the "Fenian Movement."

Which was read the first time.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 610   View pdf image (33K)
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