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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3769   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 202. An act to repeal section sixteen of chapter four


hundred and seventy-six, passed at the January session,


eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled " an act to pro-


vide for the creation and regulation of incorporated


companies in the State of Maryland, " and to re-enact


the same so as to read as follows:...........................


No. 203. An act to authorize the Governor, Comptroller


and Treasurer to settle the accounts of Charles E,


Maguire, late Weigher of Live Stock, and to com-


promise with his securities, it in their judgment the


same is advisable..................................................


No. 204. An act to incorporate the Calvert Bank of Balti-


more city............................................................


No. 205. An act to repeal the act passed at the January ses-


sion, of eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter three


hundred and fifteen, entitled " an act to provide for


maintaining and keeping in repair the public roads of


Prince George's county," and to re-enact in lieu


thereof the following ..........................................


No. 206. An act to make valid the marriage between Joseph


Owens and Eva Shepherd.....................................


No. 207. An act to pay P. T. Hambleton, a constable for


Talbot county, the sum of forty-nine dollars as legal


fees for serving certain writs of summons to certain


cases pending before George E. Haddaway and A. H.


Seth, justices of the peace of the State of Maryland,


in and for Talbot county.......................................


No. 208. An act to repeal chapter one hundred and eighty-


nine, of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two,


relating to Salisbury Academy, and to re-enact the


same with amendments........................................


No. 209. An act to authorize the Mayor and City Coun-


cil of Baltimore to issue the bonds of the City of Bal-


timore, to an amount not exceeding the sum of four


millions of dollars, to pfovide means for introducing


the waters of the Gunpowder River........................


No. 210. An act to repeal section eighty-one, of article


twenty, of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to


Talbot county, sub- title "Easton," and to re-enact the


same with amendments........................................


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3769   View pdf image (33K)
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