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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3768   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 194. An act to authorize the Mayor and Councilmen


of Frostburg to construct water-works for, and to lay


water mains through said town, to buy the necessary


appurtenances for the protection of property, and to


issue bonds for that purpose..................................


No. 195. An act in relation to public roads in Cecil county,


and to repeal all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with


the provisions of this act.........................................


No. 196. An act to legalize the organization of the Park-


ton and Manchester Rail Road Company.................


No. 197. An act to amend an act passed January session,


eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter three hun-


dred and seven, entitled an act for incorporating the


Western Maryland College...................................


No. 198. An act supplementary to an act of November


session, eighteen hundred and twelve, chapter one


hundred and fifty-nine, entitled an act for founding


an university in the city or precincts of Baltimore, by


the name of the University of Maryland, and to au-


thorize the regents of the University of Maryland to


dispose of a portion of the property held by the said
university for the use of its Faculty of Physic, and to


apply the proceeds towards the erection of a hospital,


for the use of the said faculty and the School of Med-


icine under its direction.......................................


No. 199. An act to authorize the construction of fire-proof


vaults in the court-house in Easton........................


No. 200. An act to establish a State Board of Health........


No. 201. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay L.


F. Colton and Company for paper furnished, and for


printing, binding and distributing the report of the
Board of State School Commissioners for the year


eighteen hundred and seventy-two, as per order of the


Governor, in compliance with act of eighteen hundred


and seventy-two, chapter three hundred and seventy-


seven, sub-chapter twelve, section eleven.................


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3768   View pdf image (33K)
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