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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3764   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 165. An act supplementary to an act passed at January


session, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, entitled an act


to incorporate the Santa Clara Mining Association of


Baltimore, repealing a supplement to said act passed


at January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven,


authorizing said association to make and enforce pay-


ment of all calls or assessments upon its capital stock


and re-enacting the same with amendments..............


No. 166. An act to authorize and require the Surveyor of


Washington county, to survey all public roads, here-


after to be opened by the County Commissioners, and


to make a record thereof, and to make a record of all


the public roads heretofore opened by the comity com-


missioners or used as public roads by the public.......


No. 167. An act to add an additional sub-title and section


to article four, of the Public Local Laws of the City


of Baltimore, to be known under the title "Costs, "


and as section one hundred and fifty-nine and a-half of


said article............................................................


No. 168. An act to authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court


of Montgomery county to place certain fees in the


hands of the sheriffs of the several counties of this State


and the City of Baltimore for collection...................


No. 169. An act for protection of partridges, and to pre-


vent trespassing with dog or gun, on private property


in Kent county...................................................


No. 170. An act giving the sanction of the General Assem-


bly of Maryland, to a certain legacy bequeathed by


the last will and testament of Susan Welty, late of


Washington county, deceased, to the German Baptist


Church, commonly called Welty's Church, in Wash-


ington county, Maryland.......................................


No. 171. An act to repeal sections four, twelve, and fifteen


of an act passed and approved April fourth, eighteen


hundred and seventy, chapter two hundred and sixty,


entitled an act to incorporate the town of Laurel, in


Prince George's county, and to re enact the same


with amendments..................................................


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3764   View pdf image (33K)
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