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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3763   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 156. An act to repeal and re-enact section six, of arti-


cle seven, of the Code of Public General Laws, enti-


tled "Arbitration and Award."..............................



No. 157. An act to empower the Frederick and Pennsyl-


vania Line Rail Road Company to lease its road........


No. 158. An act to appropriate certain fines to purchasing


a law library, in the place of the one destroyed by fire,


for the Circuit Court for Washington county............


No. 159. An act to approve an act passed January session,


eighteen hundred and seventy-two, chapter two hun-


dred and forty-two, entitled an act to authorize the


County Commissioners of Calvert county, to subscribe


to the capital stock of the Baltimore and Drum Point


Rail Road Company, as provided by section fifty-four,


of article third, of the Constitution.........................


No. 160. An act to authorize the County Commissioners


of Frederick county to build a new jail and a work-


house for Frederick county, to borrow money on the


credit of the county for that purpose, to issue bonds


for the payment of the same, to levy and collect taxes


for the payment of such bonds, and the interest on the




No. 161. An act to amend an act entitled an act to incor-


porate the Bachman Valley Rail Road Company,


passed at January session, eighteen hundred and


seventy, authorizing and empowering the president


and directors of said company, or a majority of them,


to issue the bonds of the said company to an amount


not exceeding fifty thousand dollars.........................


No. 162. An act to authorize the sheriff's of the several


counties and City of Baltimore, to collect certain fees


due the late Clerk of the Circuit Court for Saint


Mary's county, in the same manner as such officers'


fees have been heretofore collected..........................


No. 163. An act to add new sections to article twenty-two,


of the Code 6f Public Local Laws, relating to Wor-


cester county, to be entitled " sales of spirituous or


fermented liquors."..............................................


No. 164. An act to protect wild fowl in Worcester county.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3763   View pdf image (33K)
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