hostile movement against the peace and integrity of
the existing government of Great Britain, and
known as Fenians, and now confined in the jails of
that country ; and
WHEREAS, it being eminently proper that an ap-
peal should be made to the clemency and magnani-
mity of that illustrious Lady, so renowned for those
estimable qualities which as either wife, mother, or
queen has gained for her the affection and respect of
the entire civilized world, to use the prerogative of
the crown she so worthily wears, in granting a booh
to those unfortunate men which will restore them to
liberty and their families, and which will be so grat-
ifying to the vast majority of the people of Ireland
and to every lover of humanity wherever found;
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our Senators and Representatives in the Con-
gress of the United States, be and they are hereby
Requested to
requested to urge upon the Government of this
country, the propriety of its directing its minister at
the court of St. James to use all proper and honora-
ble means, consistent with his position, in obtaining
from the Government of Great Britain the release of
those Irish political prisoners, now incarcerated in
the jails of that country for their alleged connection
with a conspiracy against the said government,
known as the Fenian movement.