SEC. 33. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the
county commissioners in each county, the Board of
Control and Review of Baltimore county and the
Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city, shall, on or be-
Make summa-
fore the first Monday in March, eighteen hundred
ry account.
and seventy-five, make out from the assessors' state-
ments, returns and certificates, and the corrections
thereof, made as hereinbefore provided, if any, a
summary account, or list, or column in which shall
be clearly and distinctly expressed the estates and
property of every description whatsoever, and the
value thereof affixed to them respectively, and the
whole value in each election district or ward extend-
ed, and the amount of each column; and the said
clerks shall lay the said summary accounts or lists of
the estates and property in the several election dis-
tricts before the county commissioners and the
Board of Control and Review of Baltimore county
and the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city respect-
ively, who shall, after examination and correction
Sign and en-
close to the
thereof, sign and enclose the same endorsed on pub-
lic service to the Comptroller ; and the Appeal Tax
Court shall in like manner sign and enclose to the
Comptroller the summary accounts and lists of the
estate and property in the several wards of the said
SEC. 34. And be it enacted, That the rules and
regulations, forms and blanks prescribed and adopted
Have the eame
by the Comptroller, as hereinbefore provided for,
shall have the same effect and force in law as if they
were herein enacted ; and after the final review of
the assessments for the different districts shall have
been by the said Comptroller corrected, he shall re-
turn a copy of said corrected assessment lists to the
county commissioners, Board of Control and Review
of Baltimore county, and Appeal Tax Court of Bal-
timore city, as the case may be, which corrected re-
turns shall then become the assessment lists, and no
correction shall be made therein for two years, ex-
cept additions for acquired, alienated, destroyed or
omitted property.
SEC. 35. And be it enacted, That necessary expenses
for books, blanks and stationery be paid by the
Expenses for
books, &c
Treasurer of the State on the warrant of the Comp-