the several assessors before them at the time limited
for hearing appeals as aforesaid, or at such other
time or times in their discretion as they shall think
reasonable, for the purpose of correcting the valua-
tion made by said assessors; and they shall likewise
have power and authority, and are hereby directed
and required, carefully to examine the several cer-
tificates, statements and returns of valuation in their
respective counties or city, and to correct the same
although no complaint or appeal be made to them ;
that each assessor shall, within the time hereinbefore
Make out and
limited for making the returns, make out and deliver
to the county commissioners of the county in which
he resides, or to the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore
city, as the case may be, a full and complete state-
ment of all property, real, personal and mixed,
subject to taxation, of which such assessor is owner,
or which may be under his care, distinguishing in
such statement the particular property which may
be under his care or management from his own, and
shall annex a fair and proper valuation of all the
property contained in the said statement, and verify
the same on oath or affirmation ; but the county com-
missioners or Appeal Tax Court may nevertheless
correct such valuation and put what they may deem
a fair valuation on the said property.
SEC. 32. And be it enacted, That the clerks of the
Shall outer find
county commissioners of the several counties, and
record in book
the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city, shall enter
and record in a book or books to be provided for
the purposes, an accurate and fair account of all the
property of every sort within their county or City
of Baltimore, and the valuation thereof as settled
and adjusted, and an alphabetical list of the owners
thereof and all such other matters and things as are
required by this act, properly arranged according to
the election districts in the several counties, and
according to the several wards, in the City of Balti-
more ; and the said county commissioners, Board of
Control and Review of Baltimore county and Ap-
peal Tax Court, shall allow to their respective clerks,
such compensation for additional services required of
them by the provisions of this act, as they in their
judgment may deem right and proper.