WHEREAS, the said justice of the peace was put
to much trouble and inconvenience, and suffered
much loss of time in hearing arguments of counsel,
pro and con, on motions to quash said warrants and
dismiss said suits, because of their unconstitutionality
and informality, before said warrants had been re-
turned unserved; and —
WHEREAS, there is no provision of law whereby
the said county of Talbot is liable to the said justice
of the peace for his fees in issuing said warrants and
docketing said cases ; and —
WHEREAS, the Comptroller of the State is not
authorized under and by virtue of the nineteenth
section of said act, to pay to the said justice of the
peace his fees for issuing said warrants, docketing
said cases and dismissing said suits as aforesaid.
therefore —
Directed to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
draw warrant
Maryland, That the Comptroller of the State be and
he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to
draw his warrant upon the Treasurer of the State
for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, to be
paid to the said George E. Haddaway, justice of the
peace as aforesaid, out of the oyster fund, as his fees
for issuing said warrants, docketing said cases, hear-
ing said arguments, and dismissing said cases.
Approved April 11th, 1874.