AN ACT to pay Alexander H. Seth, a justice of the
peace of the State of Maryland, in and for Talbot
county, the sum of two hundred dollars as fees in
certain cases.
WHEREAS, information upon oath was given to
Alexander H. Seth, Esq., a justice of the peace of
the State of Maryland, in and for Talbot county,
charging certain oyster dredging vessels, their own-
ers, masters and crew, with violating the sixteenth
section of chapter three hundred and sixty-four, of
the Laws of Maryland, of eighteen hundred and
seventy, by unlawfully dredging for oysters in Eas-
tern Bay, inside of a line drawn from the south-west
extremity of Kent Point to north-east extremity of
Poplar Island, and in St. Michaels River, during the
months of February, March, and April, eighteen
hundred and seventy-three; and
WHEREAS, the said Alexander H. Seth, as said
justice of the peace was compelled to and did issue
warrants for the arrest of the said vessels, their own-
ers, masters and crew, under and by virtue of the
thirteenth section of said act, to the number of one
hundred and eighty, and placed them in the hands
of the Commander of the State Fishing Force for
service; and
WHEREAS, the said Commander of the said State
Fishing Force was subsequently instructed that he
had no legal authority to serve said warrants under
and by virtue of said thirteenth section of said act ;
WHEREAS, the officers and other persons clothed
with authority by the said thirteenth section of said
act, to serve said warrants, were without the neces-
sary physical force to serve them ; and
WHEREAS, the suits docketed by the said justice of
the peace to the number of one hundred and eighty
by virtue of the said warrants, against the said ves-
sels, their owners, masters, and crew, had to be dis-